
Showing posts from June, 2019

Final Portfolio (slideshow and reflection)



Stop Motion Final

List of people who worked on video: 1. Gresyon 2. Harry The concept of the animation was a self tying shoe lace. The only real special trick we used was tying a string to the white shoe to make it jump.

Utopia/Dystopia Pre-Work

Title of Film or Video: Ways it showed a UTOPIA Ways it showed DYSTOPIA Children The way it showed utopia was when all of the students broke the chains off their mouth and ran freely and the one main student who kept seeing the dog dying to the train was finally able to save it the way it showed dystopia was how all the students were the exact same, they did the same thing everyday, all had perfect grades, mouths zipped, etc...  Here's the Plan Here is the plan was utopia because they imagined being able to own their very own bakery and live off that since they were making cupcakes out of their house the utopia was the fact that they could not afford a bakery so they had to get other jobs to help support their life and everything was the same and never changed or got better for them  Hunger Games hunger games shows utopia with having friends and being able to win perfectly  it shows utopia by having a government that drafts you into a battle with a bunch ot...