Contact Sheet, Project 2

Photographers use contact sheets with the goal of arranging a large sum of pictures and to line them up and label them. The way I created was I selected the print module in Lightroom and selected a specific arrangement for the the contact sheet and inserted all the pictures I wanted from my selection. And I used the caption system for the pictures in the Library module to name the pictures. 

8 edited photos:
Rule Of Thirds: 

Leading Line's
Bug's Eye View 
Frame within a Frame
Filling the Frame
Close Up
Bird's Eye View

For all of these photos I used the strategies posted for each technique, all of them required different angles, different composition, different positioning in camera chart, etc... From this I learned about how many different ways there are too compose a photo, and learned a lot of great tools for doing so. I thought all of these photo's were the best because they were shot the best in the certain category. 
